Tuesday, June 23, 2009

As I was looking out at the night, just past dusk, I watch a phenomenon that I don't often see. My two companions and I, are outside, having just stepped out of the condo. A quiet still night. Not a breath of air. An Owl, flew down within 15 yards and picked up a morsel. The yard he made his meal is the most resplendent green, manicured yard in our area. My two companions are always on the "look see" saw the Owl. Mr. Owl stared and ate his dinner. Ironically, my dogs would normally do dog barking and trying to advance towards the target. But, NOOOO, they were mezmerized by the fact, that this Owl was HUGE!

They sat and stared until the Owl flew away. And that is gliding away as it could.

Beautifully, The tall one, we call him Lee is a Blue Tick or maybe a Bavarian Short Haired pooch. The other one is a long haired part dachshund/ terrier and he is every bit BOTH! Casey is different. Period. He just wants to pick on the Blue Tick.

Lee is a creature of comfort. He loves the cool air and the softest blankets and loves to put his head and body next to mine or my girlfriends warm skin.

He is a runner! He will run! Far off and into the woods he will go! Twice! Thankfully, my girlfriend, who is technically the owner of said 'mutt', let him out, was responsible for his endeavor. If Lee escaped under my tutelage, then I would be walking the streets looking for cover.

Small dog, Casey is a different dog altogether. Small, dachshund/ terrier has all of the genes of his heritage. Not afraid, barks and growls at all approaching four legged creatures and yet! His mother, Gail, my girlfriend is in love with this dog...

Strangley, Gail had a labrador and he was the epitome of all 'human speaking h0unds'. Until I came into Gail's house, never did I assume to meet KOLA!!!! Kola knew all and saw all. He was the best and I never knew. Kola has many stories to tell!

I'll Speak More on the Girl's Best Pooches

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